…because everyone deserves a voice.

Now accepting Medicaid and Medicare!

Telehealth appointments now available!!

BTS currently offers the following services for infants, toddlers, children, adults, their families, their caregivers, and their educators:

Our Services

  • Evaluations

    Pediatric and Adult speech, language, feeding and swallowing evaluations with plan of care by a licensed SLP. Services offered in our clinic studio or at your home.

  • Therapeutic Interventions

    For speech, language, feeding and swallowing delays and disorders for infants, children, and adults. Session length options of 20 or 40 minutes. Services offered in our clinic studio, at your home, or virtually.

  • Consulting, Courses, and Parent Education

    Buttercup Therapy Services offers consulting and educational courses on typical and atypical child development, implications of communication disorders in daily living, how to developmentally play with infants, tots, and kids. Services offered in our clinic studio or virtually.

  • Special Education | IEP/504 | ARD Advocacy

    For families with school-aged children who may not be thriving in the school setting or lacking a love of learning. Gain access and education on your child’s rights and entitlements to supports within the education system and how to access them! School should be a place where children feel safe to learn and grow, regardless of individual needs or abilities.

    Federal Law states all children are entitled to a Free, Appropriate, Public Education (FAPE).